Saturday, July 31, 2010


haiihhh!!!wat a boring morning right now in the meeting room. i am supposed to be in melaka right now but today all of the teachers have to be in school just to listen to another course for our LDP (Latihan Dalam Perkhidmatan). not to be noticeable, i intentionally sit at the back so that it will be easier for me to do my stuffs. saturday should be the day where all of us will have and spend some quality time with our beloved ones especially my family. how i wish i am with them right now.having breakfast together. wouldn't it be nice if i can just sit and relax and have a cup of teh tarik with roti telur.pergh!!!that's going to be very delicious and yummy!!hehe!!

just can't wait for the meeting and course that is scheduled to be over by noon. don't know why do they choose this saturday as weekends are the only days where we can get away from the hustle and bustle of school  life. we need to rest and refresh our thoughts and's not that easy to spend some quality time with our family. so many things to be catched up. huh!!!how i wish it will be finished as soon as possible.tick tock tick tock. please make the time moves fast. just can't wait for it to end....huhu!



Friday, July 30, 2010


this week really test my patience.thought that everything is gonna be alright but it's gonna give me trouble. next week is what i can consider as the hustle and bustle of a TESLIAN teacher who at the same time holds too many position in school. don't know which one to be put as my priority. being a class teacher, have to take attendance 5days a week, busy with the PMR marking papers that is definitely gonna crack my brains out, and the worst out of the worst is that again the same nightmare that will always haunt me no matter where i go in muar. the whole data of the school students need to be passed up by next thursday. i really hate it when i got a call from KAK LINDA who informed me in the afternoon just now mentioning that it has to be updated and sent by thursday. i do think that i will get crazier than before as this is where the PPD(Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah) will really chase after each SMM coordinator in every schools in Muar.

I just don't understand who the hell comes up with this idea of getting all the unnecessary information of the students including the blood type.they are just so crazy. teachers have lots of other important stuffs to be done rather than just facing the laptop just to finish keying in all the eenie meenie details. it's like we are the clerk and at the same time i just feel like a data office or maybe like FBI.haha!!every single details must be completed and only God knows how difficult it is even to get the students data. they will be giving so many lame reasons like " Alamak, terlupa la cikgu...hehe!" or "Kertas SMM yang cikgu bagi dh hilang lar...hihi!" just imagine if you guys are in my condition. we are just running out of time and they can just grin innocently.

As a result, i just have to bring that old laptop that has been like 10years old and sadly, the school doesn't want to provide me with the new lappy. that means i have to or more precisely drag the old lappy to the PPD. the lappy is damn old. even the screen can just fall at anytime. is this how the management wants us to be motivated when the facilities given can actually make us feel DEMOTIVATED??? just hate to voice it out but i just couldn't bear with it.hope that the meeting at the PPD will last for a few minutes. furthermore, on the day that i have to send the data is also the same day wherei have to be the head of invigilators for my English Paper 2. which one should i go? i'm just thinking about sending the data through email to the head coordinator.hope he can accept it...don't want to be at PPD. just hate and kind of trauma to go there.this is all due to the SMM data collection...ooops!!!forget to acknowledge all of you that SMM stands for SISTEM MAKLUMAT MURID.hehe!

well, hope next week will be good for me. just can't wait to go back to be truth,it's bored to be staying in the rented house all alone tonight.just miss my home so much...huhu!!!


Thursday, July 29, 2010

it's killing me softly...

this week is a damn hell hectic week and more problems come to me as i am not really feeling well this week. i was strucked with the painful sore throat that nearly makes me out of my mind. why must this pain come to me when i really need a lot of energy to focus on. there are many things coming up for this week and next week. gonna be busy with the students trial PMR exam where i have to be the head of inivigilators. plus, the second monthly test will also be carried out next week. that means more essays to be marked and more pimples will come out on my face due to the straining of marking the students papers.gosh. marking papers is wat i really feel dreadful to do in my profession.

getting the papers done is one big problem. being able to read their handwriting is another problem. and the worst is when you can't barely understand what they write in the paper!!if i have the time, i will post what they write in the papers that will make me go crazy. it's just too difficult to see them writing even a sentence that gives meaning and grammatically correct. i just don't understand what they have learned over these past few years....i always remind them, but the same thing will come all over again.

i just hope that i have the faith to be strong for next week. it's gonna test my patience...hope everything going to be okay...amin...



Lagenda sepanjang zaman..

fenomena Lagenda Budak Setan kembali lagi...bermula dgn novel diangkat ke filem dan yg terbaru akan ke series plak...akan keluar 10 ogos di astro prima...teringin nak tengok....kalu muvie dia agak hampeh...tak seperti yg diharapkan...bnyak perubahan yg dibuat...dan tak menepati citarasa(aku je la org lain aku taktau)...cume pelakon2 dia memang best la...berjaya bwk watak2 dlm cte tu...dgn kasyah yg memang best....ayu ngan emilia...nak2 lagi azmi....memang mantap....

baru je tengok ost kat fb td tuk series punye...dah dpt gambaran sape pelakon2 yg bwk watak2 dlm cte tu...cume mcm tak best lisa bkn ayu...azmi bkn que...katerina ok kot...cume kalu fazura lg best agaknye....jalan cerita yg aku tengok masih best...harap2 ikutla citarasa aku..hahaa...perangai setan kasyah...keayuan ayu dan emilia...kegilaan azmi....kebodohan mak ayu...semangat setiakawan dan kesetiaan suzana...harap2 ade la aksi "lady in black" dlm series ni...

aku masih membaca novel ni tuk kesekian kalinya....kalu before this pinjam ngan kwn2...tapi kali ni aku punya sendiri(setelah berbulan2 mencari)...terima kasih pada Kak Ida(wife En.Zainal) atas ikhsannya membantu saya mendapatkan novel tersebut....masih menunggu untuk "Kasyah" dan "Katerina"....semuanya untuk melengkapkan koleksi lagenda sepanjang zaman ini....hehee...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

bikin ppanas pepagi ni...

ni yang aku panas pepagi ni...nak online bkk broadband dia kate conection terminate...aku dah la ade keje penting ni...lecehla kalu mcm ni...aku try call awek maxis pun tak dpt...sah la ni...memang kena block la line aku ni...padahal semalam dah bayar dah...nak kena maki la nampaknye maxis ni...saje nak tambah rm20 kat line aku...konon2 tuk penyambungan...

nak kena cari org pakai maxis plak pepg ni...nak call awek maxis pun tak smp lagi kat opis ni...hai la nasib...nak wat mcmana...awal2 pagi dtg opis pun jadi mcm kepada yg membaca ni...dan tertunggu2 saya menghubungi anda pagi ni...sorie...cant make it this morning....later on k....

jap lagi nak ke driving range...ade klas ngan stdnt part 5 n klas...tapi tak breakfast lg...pegi breakfast dulu la kalu mcm ni...have a nice day u'ol....

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


sekali tengok gaya dah mcm mat salih mengembara... pakai tshirt ngan shorts, sarung plak crocs...sandang plak haversack vertikal yg penuh mengelembung... jalan sorg2 plak tu...takde teman...berani plak ek...
masuk je terminal tu org dah pandang2...pelancong ke ni???local ke foreigner???kalu foreigner kulit tak brape nak cerah pun...kalu local jarang ade yg gaye mcm ni...maybe tu persoalan2 yg timbul di fikiran mereka2 yg memandang...takpela...lantakla diorg nak ckp ape...nak pikir ape...yg penting hepi...hahaa...

dpt je tiket tengok jam ade dlm 2 jam lagi...lapar plak perut...walaupun sebelum tu dah melantak 2 pinggan nasi...takpe...duit ade...mkn je la...cume jangan meragam lak perut dlm bus nnt dahla...mana nak membuang plak...kalu bus ni ade sistem toilet ok la gak kan...dahla melalui jalan lama yg kiri kanan kalu tak ladang jawabnye hutan...

pusing punya pusing kat terminal tu ade la 1,2 kdai yg menarik perhatian...singgahla kat sup utara ni...pekena bihun sup ngan tea o laici ais...pergh...memang mantapla...kenyang perut...smbl2 tu hantar report kat cikgu kate tiket sekian waktu...skang tgh watpe...

siap mkn jek bayar sume trus singgah toilet...then cari port...nak smbg baca kan...aku suke la baca novel...ade port yg cun...kerusi panjang berbaris...selesa gak tempat ni...bgs la PBT yg wat tempat ni...aku port baris belakang skali...letak beg...bwk kuar novel...trus sambung baca...puas aku rasa...tak hirau org sekeliling...lalu lalang...yg penting aku dpt baca novel ni...

dari dok yg betul sampai kaki naik atas kerusi depan tau dia punya syoknye baca novel ni...hahaa...sampai kena tegurla ngan guard kat situ...tapi bgs gak guard situ..tegur dgn sopan...muke pun ok...bestla...kite yg ditegur pun boleh menerima dgn hati yg terbuka...mcm biasa gak smbl2 tu sms dgn cikgu...

kebetulan lak aku dok tu mengadap btl bus yg akan aku takdela terkejar2 sngt...aku pun rilek je baca novel tu...lagi 10 min aku pun gerakla...nak naik bus...sebab haversack aku bsr aku letakla kat tempat barang aku kena kuarkan laptop, sweater ngan mp3 aku...chek punye chek tiket aku tak jumpe...aku dah mengelabah...habis sume poket aku seluk(poket aku je k)...takde...aku bwk kuar wallet cari dlm tu...pun takde gak...last2 skali aku letak beg kat tempat barang tu aku pegi balik tempat aku dok tadi...tengok2 tiket tu ade kat bwh kerusi..kena pijak lagi ngan mamat yg dok situ...aku wat selamba ckp kat dia.."bang, sorie ye...saya nak amik tiket kat bwh kaki abg tu...tercicir tadi"...pas amik aku trus naik bus...

selamat aku...kalu tidak konpem mc kena amik...coz esoknye tu aku keje...hahaa...padah syok sngat baca novel smp tiket pun tercicir...

memekak jek...

pagi2 dah memekak....nak marah tak bleh...terpaksala...hahaa...intro nak marah2 je...padahal nak cte la...pagi2 ni aku dah dengar anak kucing mengiau...satu fenomena yg agak luar biasa berlaku...kenapa jadi luar biasa???sebabnye mlm tadi aku dah amik anak kucing aku, bella(mcm awek si cullen kan)...nama yg dicadangkan oleh cikgu...aku pun ok je... tuk sape2 yg taktau sape bella ni blehla rujuk pos sebelum ni my cute little kitty...

bermulala episod aku sebagai pengembala kucing...hahaa...bgn mkn....biarkan dia main2 kat sekeliling umah...punyela best dia melompat, explore 1 rumah...sekali dgn berak dgn kencing dia bagi...takpela...aku bersihkan jek...silap aku gak...pagi2 waktu dia melepas...yg aku biarkan je dia main2 kat umah tu knape...hahaa...

seems okla kan...aku harap aku akan ade teman tuk bermain di waktu sunyi...harap gelagat dia akan membuat aku hepi...ceria...insyallah...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

pasti havoc...

7/8  ni ade KSP family day plak...kat suria beach Resort Cherating...staff semua dah dipecahkan mengikut rumah sukan...ade xtvt yg bakal menunggu...for sure mesti sukaneka punye...bahang kemeriahan dah terasa...bile semua dok usha nasib...dipecahkan ke rumah sukan yg mana...aku dpt oranje plak...hahaa...dlm tu plak ade 3 org lect department aku bleh bayangkan semua game2 tu kitorg akan bolot...hahaa...(berlagaknye aku)...ade plak rumah sukan yg siap nak buat latihan...pergh...persediaan yg mantap...mesti havoc hari tu...

tapi aku rasa aku takkan dapat rasa kemeriahan dan havoc mcm sukaneka dgn geng2 perlu...konpem huru hara...kalu ade meja mesti terbalik...hahaa...luka berdarah konpem punya...tapi yg bestnye takde touching2...bergaduh masa game...pastu bleh tukar sama2...

aku rindu btl saat2 tu...msh ingat lagi cari gula2 dlm tepung...sekali cari2 ade cili yg dah pecah lak...pijar mulut dek kenakalan organizer mcm tu...main plak baling kasut...fight punya fight kasut quiksilver plak hilang tah kena lempar dgn sape tah...kemana plak tah...hahaa...mahal tu...ori tu...

tu blum kire game berani mati...main mercun bwh meja...sape yg terlibat tau mcmana heppeningnye masa tu...tapi adik2 jangan cuba aksi ni dirumah k...hahaa...bila lah agaknya dpt berkumpul lagi mcm dulu2...

p/s : smlm dpt surat jemputan ke first camp Bkt Cherakah dr Mont...mslhnye clash ngan family day plak...kena tunggu approval dr bos dulu...kalu lepas blehla pegi...

Friday, July 16, 2010

2 years!!!!yeay!!!


16th July takes me back to my memory 2 years ago when i started my noble profession as a TEACHER....First and foremost, thanks and alhamdulillah to the Almighty for still giving me the strength to be patient and strong enough to stay in this profession. in the blink of an eye, i already work for 2 years. just can't imagine! i don't even realise it!!!hahaha!!!

i remembered the first time when i got the offer letter as a teacher. i just couldn't believe my eyes when again i read that i was posted to JOHOR. damn.not that state again. i was very demotivated at that time. of all the 14states that we have in Malaysia, why must it be johor? i was pissed off and without waiting any longer, i quickly called up my other coursemates and asked them where they were posted to. well, i'm not alone.there were other 27 of my coursemates sent to johor. what a large number, right?:)

so, on 16th july 2008, early in the morning, after subuh prayer, my family sent me to johor education department. we reached there around 8.00 a.m. when i reached there, i quickly scanned  and searched for my friends. indeed, i was relieved when there was actually another friend of mine who's going to MUOORRR with me.:)

after lunch, my beloved family again sent me to my school that is SMK BANDAR MAHARANI...i'm going to teach!!!horror!!!when i reached school, i asked this big question to myself " Am I really ready to be a teacher? Am i suitable for this profession?" All sorts of questions appeared on my mind. Actually, i was extremely nervous and that is why i just blurted out all of those questions. I realised it's normal for all of us who experienced working formally for the first time in their life...:)

when i reached there, i was obliged to stay in the warden house as i was not able to find a house to be rented. i met two kind hearted wardens.they greeted me well. on that night, i just couldn't sleep because i knew that tomorrow will be a very big day for me. Then, there goes the next day.all eyes stared at me as i was like some creature who had arrived from a different planet. of course i'm a bit different because i'm the only malay teacher who did not wear scarf. i had thought about this matter again and again before going to the school. however, i made up my mind not to be hypocrite and just be myself. At first, it was quite hard for some of them to accept me but i managed to overcome it as my intention of being in that school is, to carry out my duty as an educator where i will mould the students to be, perhaps great leaders. it was one of the challenges that i always have to face in my daily life. Thanks once again to the Almighty for giving me more than 100% patience to be myself and stick with my principle in life. For me, we are all the same. every one is not, whatever lar.hehehe!!!

Another thing that i realised since i started working in this field is that it has teaches me how to be patient. What i mean is real patience.who says it's easy to be a teacher. i'm carrying out a very big responsibility and i always have to make sure that my students are fully equipped with all the knowledge that they need. this 2 years has really taught me to be a better person and definitely a more matured person. i have done such hard work, have been sweating to finish all the tasks given to me, laughing and crying just because for the sake of teaching. just for the sake of my students.

there's just too much for me to jot it down will be a never ending story.hehe!!!in a nutshell, i just hope that my passion for teaching will always be my main priority and the Almighty will always bless me. just wish that everything is going to be okay for next year eventhough i'm still trying to adapt myself to this new environment and experience.

well, gotta go now.tata for now!!!



Thursday, July 15, 2010

my cute little kitty

last 2 weeks aku dpt call dr sorg member....dia tanya aku nak bela anak kucing tak?knape aku yg dia call???sebab aku pnah ckp nak amik anak kucing kat umah sewa dia...tapi tak dpt amik sebab ade yg dah hilang n ade yg mati kena langgar....dia pun ade call beberapa kwn2 dia...tapi cume aku je yg angkat phne masa aku je yg dpt anak kucing tu...dia bwk sekor jek...yg 4 lagi tinggal coz takut takde org yg nak...takut terbiar plak nnt....

mana dia dpt anak kucing tu???jawapannya kat umah mck dia ade 5 ekor anak kucing yg baru lahir ditinggalkan ibunya...cume aku nak kena bg susu kat mulut dia la...sbb dia br lahir beberapa hari n its a bit hard la coz dia akan slalu mintak susu(kate member aku tu)...pikir2 balik okla...aku kate kat dia aku dia kate mlm 2 nak call bile dia dah kat aku bleh amik anak kucing tu... 

1st time tengok dia..umur dlm seminggu kot...dok manje je atas tapak tangan aku...

bile mlm dia call lg...dia kate "mus, kecik ni dah dpt ibu susuan...memey(kucing betina kat sblh umah sewa dia) bleh terima dia plak....anak2 memey pun elok je bg ruang kat bg 3,4 minggu dia kat cni...nnt dia pandai minum sndr ko amikla..." aku pun ok kan jek...nnt la aku amik...dia ckp lg"kalau ko nak tengok dia bebile pun ko bgtau je la...

selang sehari aku pegi tengok...memang btl la comel gile...dgn bulu kembang dia...telinga gaya2 anak anjing(tapi sure pure kucing k)...memang comel giler...geram je aku tengok...dok atas tapak tangan aku dgn mengiau 2 mcm nak trus bwk balik je...tapi bile pikirkan keselamatan better biar je dulu kat situ...masa aku tengok 2 nak berdiri pun masih menggigil kaki dia nak berdiri...geram je rasanya..mate pun br nak bukak...ddiorg siap kate yg si kecik ni memang manje...sukakan perhatian...bile dok atas tapak tangan nak tdo je...2 yg wat aku makin tak sabar nak amik tu...diorg pun mcm taknak aku amik anak kucing tu...tapi aku tak kire...janji tetap janji...hahaa...

last week punye pict...dah pandai panjat kotak....

skang ni dgr report dr kawan aku tu yg si kecik semakin nakal...dah semakin besar...skang ni dah blaja panjat kotak tempat tinggal dia...masih lg sukakan perhatian...bile ade org lalu kat dia, dia akan wat bising...bile diangkat dia akan tdo dlm tapak tangan...member aku tgh cuba bg susu dlm piring...kalu dah pandai minum aku akan amik...dan aku akan bela sndr....harap yg si kecik tu akan menceriakan hidup aku yg agak messy  kebelakangan  ni...insyallah...

HeRe AgAiN!!!!


finally, i manage to keep to my promise. i'm actually blogging again.wanna say CONGRATS to myself  for able to discipline myself to publish a post everyday....:)

today, i'm just too busy with the school and after school event. Alhamdulillah.everything goes on smoothly from school to hotel and from hotel back to my rented villa. hehe!! just want to share with all of you. today, i am quite happy as my form 1 students, the youngest and perhaps the smallest and naive kids in my shool, perform very well for my class today. the students are just like me, very talkative. they just love to talk non stop although when i am teaching in the class.

however, what makes me really proud of them is that they are willing to answer questions by participating like real contestants in pop quiz shows. eventhough there is no buzzer for them to press to answer questions proposed to them, they can just make the sounds using their own creativity. they are just so wonderful. they can just say TETTT to make it sound llike a buzzer and even to my surprise they really do the action of pressing the buzzer by knocking on the table....i just can't stop laughing and they love it. the class is very noisy but indeed i like it. that's what we as TESLIAN teachers really want our students to do in class. being noisy doesn't mean that the lesson is not carried out. other teachers always complain that english class is always the noisiest class, but they do not realise the reality of it.actually, it is part of our learning objectives in class. ensuring them to participate in every classroom activities is not that easy. english is our second language in malaysia and my job is to ensure that students are able to write and definitely to communicate well in that language. i'm so thankful and proud of my 1 IBNU SINA. they have done such a good job today....:)

i hope this happy moment that i experience with them will be maintained in this way. although sometimes it might not work, but those precious moments are what we, as teachers, really treasure in our profession. seeing them smiling and laughing makes me realise of how important i am to them. my responsibility towards them are vital in order to produce quality leaders for our next generation. hope the Almighty will guide me and bless me for the job that i am doing right now. i'm just trying to contribute what i have learned to them so that they will have the opportunity to become better in future.insyaallah...:)

well, tick tock tick tock, it's already getting late for me as i have another important task to be done tonight. have to stop now before i'm late for my date with the upper secondary students. give me the strength to finish my duty for tonight...tata for now....:)



introducing the co-author blog

hye all...
maybe ramai tertanya2 sape yg tulis post "sharing is caring" tu aku wat post ni khas tuk memperkenalkan beliau...hahaaa...okla...tanpa melengahkan masa lagi beliau secara rasminya aku lantik sebagai co-author blog wegreentheearth ni...tugas beliau adalah mencoretkan apa2 sahaja cerita...kalu beliau mempunyai kesempatan...aku takkan sekat kebebasan beliau untuk bersuara dlm blog ini...

setakat ini post pertama beliau adalah "sharing is caring"...seems all friends bleh komen sebab aku masih mengekalkan kebebasan untuk bersuara dlm blog ini...boleh komen +ve dan jugak -ve...cume aku takkan respon komen2 tersebut andai ia komen yg menjatuhkan...

aku harapkan setiap hari ade 1 post dr beliau...begitu juga aku...aku harapkan aku mempunyai ide untuk kembali mendisiplinkan diri ini untuk update sentiasa blog ini seperti waktu dolu2 agar tidak bersawang....(mcm tiap2 hari update masa dulu....hahaaa)...

maybe ramai yg tertanya2 knapa aku wat mcm ni...dan mungkin ada yg ckp aku poyo ke...tah pape lg pikiran masing2 yg baca blog ni(sebab aku bkn ade psychic power yg boleh bc pikiran org lain)...bkn ape...aku cuma nak menggalakkan beliau untuk menulis...nak srh create blog sndr bkn main liat lg...hahaa...aku pun mls nak tlg create bende paling mudah aku share je blog ni dgn dia...n dia act sbgai co author sahaja...ade story email kat aku..then aku post je kat blog...simple jek...

aku harapkan yg blog aku akan kembali meriah seperti dulukala...insyallah...n tq cikgu coz sudi jadi co-author blog wegreentheearth ni....sama2lah kite menghijaukan bumi ini...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

ShArInG iS cARiNg.....

WOW!!!that's the first thing that comes out from my mind when i start typing. it has been a long time since i left this 'blogging' thingy...i just can't believe i'm starting it all over again!!!first and foremost, i would like to thank ABG for letting me to join you and share a bit of part and parcel of my life in his blog. thanks to him so much because he encourages me to start this never ending hobby again...:) well, just like what i type for my heading. SHARING IS CARING.

I hope that by starting typing again, i will be able to share with all of you every single thing that i experience in my life since i started becoming a teacher almost 2years back.well, actually not really 2years. my service will be exactly 2 years this upcoming FRIDAY, 16TH JULY 2010. Well, tick tock tick tock.time moves on very fast.i just couldn't believe that i have actually become an educator, an architect that is trying my very best, sweating and working  very hard to ensure that our next generation will guarantee a better future ahead.insyaallah...:) perhaps, this is what i'm suitable at. trying to educate is not as easy as learning ABC. hope that what i do right now will be blessed by the Almighty...

Guess i have to pen off right now. i hope this blogging hobby will be the stepping stone for me to type more after this. i need full support and motivation to start and continue this 'blogging' thingy...TEEHEE!!!



Chinese Cinderella

untuk pengetahuan sesape yg taktau lg...aku ni sebenarnye suka dan minat membaca novel...tak kisah novel ape2 pun...novel remaja, cinta, penyiasatan pun aku belasah...kalu english aku bc gak tapi cr bahasa2 yg mudah...bkn ape...kalu bahasa yg susah alamatnye samada amik masa yg lama tuk aku habiskan ataupun tak habis baca...hahaa...

anyway aku nak cte psl novel yg br aku bc last week...Chinese Cinderella from Adeline Yen Mah...novel ni cikgu bg pinjam...masa dia bg novel ni dia ckp yg novel ni sedih gak kalu baca...dlm ati aku "eleh, takde maknenye nak sedih..skali aku baca btl2 la sedih...cume serius aku ckp aku tak nangis k...novel ni ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman sebenar penulis sendiri...tentang beliau yg dianggap pembawa sial kerana ibunya yg mati ketika melahirkan beliau...dr kecil disisihkan dr keluarga...tentang kuasa ibu tiri yg mengawal pergerakan keluarga....bagaimana beliau dihantar ke sekolah yg berada di dlm kawasan peperangan...dan berbagai2 lagi dugaan dan cabaran yg beliau hadapi...namun semuanya menguatkan lagi semangat beliau untuk berjaya dlm hidup...aku terpikir bagaimana kalu aku yg berada di tempat beliau...bermcm2 kemungkinan yg boleh berlaku...namun alhamdulillah...aku dilahirkan dlm keluarga yg sederhana dan penyanyang tanpa mengira sesiapa...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

ape yg aku merepek ni...

salam semuanya....dah lama tak menulis kat blog ni...pelik plak rasanya....tetiba smlm tertengok nuffnang punya adv....tah knape tetibe je sign up n letak kat blog ni...kengkawan kalu dah bc ni jangan lupe la clik kat situ local blogger...hahaa....

about my life skang, agak messy la skit...dengan rumah sewa yg tak dpt2...dok melepak ngan student2 je skang ni...kengkawan pun ade life masing2 yg nak aku dok je la...usaha cr sendiri umah tu...kalu ade rezeki insyallah...aku akan pindah...

sem baru start last week...tapi semlm br dpt jadual petang ni akan bermula kelas pertama...subjek yg agak memeningkan kepala aku...tah mcmanala student2 aku nak study subjek tu...tapi aku akan usaha sebaik mungkin...bile ckp mcm ni aku teringat kate2 Dato' Soh Chin Aun , 1 of legend in our football scene...there is no point telling people that u will do the best(lebih kurang mcm 2 la kot) tak guna la ckp banyak kan...tunggu je la result exam nnt...hahaa....